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  5. Configuration Tool: Objects

Configuration Tool: Objects

With the configuration tool selected, you should see a list of objects set up in the app. These will be divided into two categories: Active and Inactive objects.

Configuration Tool: Objects Isimio Salesforce Scheduling Solution

When an object is active, its records are loaded into the scheduler. For best performance, please aim to have as few objects active as possible.

Begin by deactivating any objects from the Active list that you do not need to schedule. For instance, if the Opportunity object is enabled, but you intend to schedule Tasks, make sure Opportunity is inactive. To deactivate an object, click its name and untick the Active checkbox, then click the Save button.

Next, you will want to add the objects that you want to schedule into the Active list. If they already appear on the Inactive list, select them and tick the Active checkbox, then click the Save button.

If the objects you wish to schedule to not appear on the list, click Create New in the Active list. This will open the New Object form.

Create a New Object

Configuration Tool: Objects Isimio Salesforce Scheduling Solution

Fill in the form as follows:
Object: Select the object you wish the scheduler to load.
Active: Tick the Active box to enable loading this object into the scheduler.
Default: The behavior of this box depends on the Data Type of the object (explained further below).
Data Type: This determines how the object is used in the schedule. For reference about the different types, see About Objects and Fields.
Load Order: Determines the order in which objects are loaded and presented. An object with a load order of 1 will load before an object with a load order of 2.

If a Scheduled object is marked as default, when the user double-clicks on an empty block, the record that will be created is whichever object is marked as default. When a Row object is marked as default, when the scheduler first loads, swimlanes will be arranged according to this object.

If more than one object per type is marked as default, then only one of them will be used as default. Please ensure only one Scheduled object and one Row object is marked.

Once you are finished, click the Save button to return to the main object list.

You can also configure which records from a particular object are loaded. See: Selecting Which Records to Display.