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  5. Standard Action Methods

Standard Action Methods

The following is a list of methods that can be used in Schedule Action records. All standard method names begin with window.com.kruvi.actions. For example, to use the newRecord method, the method name should be:

Custom methods can be placed inside their own packages, with different naming conventions, using a Javascript plugin.

newRecordObject Type API NameCreates a new record of the specified object type, and opens the record edit form.
editOpens a form to edit the selected record. If more than one record is selected, only the first one is edited.
deleteDeletes the selected record(s). The user must confirm this action first.
copyCopies the selected record(s) to the clipboard.
cutCopies the selected record(s) to the clipboard. Once pasted, these records will be moved instead of cloned.
pastePastes any copied or cut records to the selected cell(s).
viewDetailsOpens the record page for the selected record.
viewRelatedRecordField API NameOpens the record page of a related record. The Field API Name parameter must be the name of a lookup field, or another field that contains a record ID.
repeatOpens the Repeat form for the selected record(s).
printOpens the browser’s Print dialog.
selectAllSelects all visible records.
updateJSON-formatted data packetUpdates the selected record(s) with the data in the JSON packet without having to open the record edit form, and without manual data entry. A packet should look like the following:
{"name":"New Record Name"}

Note: Any updated fields must already be configured to be loaded on the object.
flowBackgroundFlow API NameExecutes an auto-launched flow in the background. The record ID of the first selected record is passed into the recordId variable of the flow.

Note that you must use the flow API name, rather than the human-readable label.
flowFlow API NameOpens a modal window that displays a screen flow. The record ID of the first selected record is passed into the recordId variable of the flow.

Note that you must use the flow API name, rather than the human-readable label.